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How to Qualify for Disability Benefits with Leukemia?

On Behalf of | Jan 15, 2019 | Social Security Disability (SSD)

Leukemia is listed in the Social Security’s Blue Book of medical conditions under the category of malignant neoplastic diseases. Several forms of leukemia exist that typically qualifies for leukemia disability benefits. These include acute leukemia (lymphocytic),myeloid leukemia, chronic leukemia and chronic (myeloid) leukemia. To be approved for leukemia disability, applicants must provide medical documentation proving their health is severely impaired enough to prevent them obtaining and remaining employed.

How Do You Meet the SSA’s Criteria for Leukemia?

If you have been diagnosed with acute leukemia (myeloid or lymphocytic) or chronic myelgenous leukemia that failed to respond to treatment, you can automatically qualify for disability benefits.

Types of leukemias that are not as progressive as acute or chronic leukemias may cause the Social Security Administration to delay making a decision to allow time for you to gather results of treatment. Generally, most people applying for leukemia disability will be considered disabled two years following the date of diagnosis or their most recent relapse.

After two years has passed, the SSA will evaluate an applicant’s prognosis and treatment results. If serious symptoms continue after treatment that cause enough functional limitations for assignment of a disability designation, the SSA will likely approve the application for benefits.

What Kind of Medical Evidence is Required for Approval of a Leukemia Disability Claim?

In addition to a clinical diagnosis report, the SSA wants documentation detailing blood test results, treatment methods, success or failure of treatment methods and side effects of leukemia treatment. Pathology reports, operative notes, bone marrow exams (when applicable) are also necessary for the SSA to expedite approval of a disability claim.

The Law Office of Daniel Berger handles many disability claims for people diagnosed with malignant neoplastic diseases like leukemia. It is difficult for leukemia patients to gather the large amount of documents necessary to be approved. Denials from SSA often involve lack of proper documentation, which forces claimants to go through the appeals process and wait longer for their benefits to start. Avoid delays and denials by contacting a disability lawyer today.