We Fight To Help You Get The SSD Or SSI Benefits You Deserve – Changing Lives For The Better

Physical Impairments And SSD

How To Win A Fibromyalgia Disability Case

The chronic pain and fatigue caused by fibromyalgia makes it difficult to work. An evaluation and treatment plan from a physician who has experience with the illness helps many people manage their condition and continue working. If you have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia and find that your best efforts at management of its symptoms does not allow you to continue…

What Are The Long-Term Effects Of COVID?

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and other government health agencies now know a great deal more about COVID-19 than they did at the start of the pandemic. They now know while most people recover after being infected with the virus, some people continue to experience lingering health issues that may continue for months or years after recovering from…

What Heart Conditions Qualify For Disability Benefits

Heart conditions and cardiovascular diseases can often destabilize the life of an individual, by creating hurdles and challenges in the daily life of the affected person. In several cases, a severe heart condition may prevent you from working full-time. In such cases, it would be natural to explore the option of applying for Social Security Disability (SSD) benefits. Some cardiac…

Long-Term Disability Benefit For Heart Disease

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention identifies heart disease as a leading cause of death in the United States, which can be somewhat misleading. “Heart disease” actually refers to several medical conditions that may impair how the cardiovascular system functions. For example, coronary artery disease refers to restricted blood flow caused by plaque buildup on the walls of the…

Migraine Headache Disorder and Long-Term Disability Insurance Claims

Migraine headaches afflict one in five women in the U.S. Those who suffer from migraines need no description of the symptoms because they know them all too well. But people who live with and love migraine sufferers can learn what a person with migraines really experiences. Anyone who thinks migraines are just mild headaches that are being exaggerated is dead…