We Fight To Help You Get The SSD Or SSI Benefits You Deserve – Changing Lives For The Better

The pain of sciatica can become intractable

On Behalf of | Jan 20, 2025 | Physical Impairments And SSD

Unless someone has a disabling accident, back pain diagnosed as sciatica usually occurs over time. At first, it could be just a minor twinge you noticed while doing yardwork or wrestling with the kids.

Unfortunately, this pain can increase over time. Some individuals experience intractable pain from their sciatica.

Loss of life as you knew it

What did you like to do most? Play a game of pickleball? Attend an outdoor concert? Toss the ball with your son or play a round of golf with friends? The intractable pain from your sciatica (which can stem from other, even more serious, diagnoses) can strip all that away from you.

Work no longer possible

You’re the wage earner for your family. But standing, walking and even sitting in a chair becomes agonizing. You feel like you are running out of options, and that can be a scary place to be.

Know when it’s time to seek help

Your chronic and intractable sciatic pain can be the source of a viable claim for SSDI or SSI benefits. There is no shame in seeking the aid you need to live your life and manage your condition as best you can.

The claims process can be a frustrating experience because many people get turned down who have legitimate claims that qualify them for benefits. You may have to file an appeal, which can be even more complicated.

The good news is that help is available to you. Learning all you can about qualifying conditions for SSDI or SSI benefits can be helpful when refuting a denial of benefits with a formal appeal.