We Fight To Help You Get The SSD Or SSI Benefits You Deserve – Changing Lives For The Better

Year: 2022

Migraine Headache Disorder and Long-Term Disability Insurance Claims

Migraine headaches afflict one in five women in the U.S. Those who suffer from migraines need no description of the symptoms because they know them all too well. But people who live with and love migraine sufferers can learn what a person with migraines really experiences. Anyone who thinks migraines are just mild headaches that are being exaggerated is dead…

Long-Term Disability Benefit For Heart Disease

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention identifies heart disease as a leading cause of death in the United States, which can be somewhat misleading. “Heart disease” actually refers to several medical conditions that may impair how the cardiovascular system functions. For example, coronary artery disease refers to restricted blood flow caused by plaque buildup on the walls of the…

Why Are Claims for Anxiety Disorders Denied?

Taxing work conditions and stressful, unhealthy lifestyle of the present-day world can trigger different mental health-related diseases and disorders like depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, panic disorder, addiction to intoxicants, and social or psychological disorders. Though these conditions may be common in our society, if it disables you from working, you may be entitled to receive Social Security Disability (SSD) benefits…

Social Security Disability Rules After Age 50 And 60

Getting older can be wonderful in some ways and challenging in others. Often, getting older means that age-related illnesses and injuries occur more frequently. This is not to mention other disabling conditions that might begin at a younger age but carry on throughout later years. As a result, people often wonder about Social Security Disability benefits, and whether the rules…

Does Fibromyalgia Qualify for Disability Benefits?

Fibromyalgia is chronic pain disorder that causes millions of people to suffer from intense pain and its incessant presence leaves many suffers to be totally disabled either from the pain itself or from the accompanying mental and emotional depression so much a part of the condition. Yet, because the illness is difficult to “prove,” Fibromyalgia (FM) is not included as…

Chances of Getting Disability Benefits For Bipolar Disorder

Advances in medicine, particularly regarding the diagnosis and treatment of mental illness, have come a long way. Despite these advances, almost 83% of people diagnosed with bipolar disorder have serious impairment with 17% of people experiencing moderate impairment according to the National Institute of Mental Health. If a bipolar disorder disability prevents you from working, you may be entitled to…

Who Is Eligible for Social Security Disability Insurance?

Eligibility for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSD or SSD) benefits is determined by three factors: Have you worked enough years to accumulate the required “work credits?” Do you meet the Social Security Administration’s definition of “disabled?” Do you earn more than the maximum income eligibility amount? At the Law Office of Daniel Berger, nydisability.com, we concentrate exclusively on helping disabled…

Chances Of Getting Disability Benefits For Arthritis

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, almost a quarter of the adult population of the United States suffers from the pain and disabling symptoms of arthritis with the cost of medical treatment and lost wages exceeding $303 billion annually. It ranks as the most frequently cited cause of work disability. If arthritis prevents you from working, Social…

How Much Can I Make While On Social Security Disability?

Social Security Disability (SSD or SSD) benefits help support disabled workers who become too ill or injured to work full time because of a physical or mental impairment. The amount each recipient gets in their monthly SSD benefit payment varies, depending on their lifetime average annual taxable income. But no matter how much each person receives, SSD was not intended…