We Fight To Help You Get The SSD Or SSI Benefits You Deserve – Changing Lives For The Better

Month: January 2017

When is a Person Considered Disabled by Social Security Disability?

If you are considering filing for Social Security Disability (SSD) benefits, then you might be wondering what, exactly, qualifies someone to be considered disabled? In a nutshell, the SSA states that a person might be considered disabled when they are suffering from a condition that keeps them from being able to be engaged in what is known as “Substantial Gainful…

Social Security Benefits Eligibility

There are several circumstances where you may find yourself eligible for Social Security benefits. The most common, of course, is when you are eligible at retirement age. You may also become eligible when you acquire enough work credits, which for anyone born after 1929 is 40. Credits are based on income and that income amount changes on a yearly basis.…

The Difference between Social Security Disability and Short-Term Disability

Social Security disability benefits are not designed to be short-term, so you cannot get temporary disability benefits. It’s important to recognize the difference between Social Security disability benefits and short-term disability benefits. Who gets Social Security disability? – For people who only earn a limited amount of income. Applicants for Social Security disability must earn less than $1,950 per month.…

New York State Disability Law

New York is one of a small number of states that requires employers to offer disability benefits to workers who have an injury or illness that is not related to the job. Employers can get coverage for these benefits through any disability benefits insurance carrier that is authorized by the New York State Workers’ Compensation Board. Employers who do not…

Eligibility Requirements for Social Security Disability Benefits

Has your ability to work been sidelined due to a serious illness or injury? If so, your solution may lie in the receipt of Social Security disability benefits. If you believe this could be the answer you are looking for, you must meet these eligibility requirements for this helpful program. Work Requirements To be eligible for disability benefits, you must…