We Fight To Help You Get The SSD Or SSI Benefits You Deserve – Changing Lives For The Better

Month: January 2021

Social Security Disability Benefits Pay Chart

The Social Security Administration makes annual adjustments to its payments made to individuals receiving Social Security disability benefits. The adjustments payments made through Social Security retirement, Social Security Disability Insurance, and Supplemental Security Income programs reflect cost-of-living adjustments based on changes in the Consumer Price Index. The 2021 COLA adjustment went into effect in January 2021. Here is a look…

What Other Benefits Can I Get with SSD?

When a disabled worker applies for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSD or SSD) benefits, they deserve to receive the full payment they earned from years of hard work and paying Social Security taxes. At the Law Office of Daniel Berger, we specialize in getting every disabled client the maximum SSD benefits available. After many years fighting for disabled SSD applicants…

How Long Can You Collect Social Security Disability Benefits?

Whether currently receiving Social Security disability benefits or just starting the process to apply for them, keep in mind they do not last forever. Improvements in the medical conditions that cause you to be disabled could affect how long you collect Social Security disability. Other sources of income, including earnings from a job, and which of the two disability programs…

How Does a Worker’s Comp Settlement Affect SSD?

Your state’s worker’s compensation program and the federal Social Security Disability Insurance (SSD) program are both designed to provide financial relief to injured workers, but they apply to different classes of workers and have very different qualifying requirements. You can collect worker’s compensation for an on-the-job injury or work-related illness and Social SSD benefits at the same time. However, one…

How to Increase Social Security Disability Payments?

The availability of Social Security disability benefits eases the financial burden of more than 8 million disabled workers along with 104,000 of their spouses and 1.4 million of their children, but it may not always be enough. If you discover that qualifying for Social Security disability insurance benefits still leaves you struggling to meet your financial obligations, there are other…

How To Apply For SSI?

Supplemental Security Income is a federally funded program offering financial assistance for individuals with limited resources and income to adults 65 years of age or older. It also provides benefits to blind or disabled adults and children. You may apply even without having a work history, which is one of the benefits of SSI over other disability programs, such as…

What Are The Nonmedical Requirements For Social Security Disability?

Qualifying for Social Security disability takes more than proof of being disabled and unable to work. You also must satisfy nonmedical requirements to qualify for benefits. Each disability program, Social Security Disability Insurance and Supplemental Security Income has its nonmedical requirements for Social Security disability. Here is a look at the nonmedical Social Security disability criteria for SSI and SSD…

What Mental Disorders Qualify for Social Security Disability?

A chronic medical condition that causes you to be disabled and unable to work may qualify for Social Security Disability Insurance benefits. People frequently associate a chronic and disabling condition with a physical impairment, but you can also have a mental disorder that may meet the definition for a qualifying impairment used by the Social Security Administration when evaluating an…

Our meticulous research makes the difference.

Our meticulous research makes the difference. No one would watch a TV show or movie about court cases that included lengthy scenes of lawyers sitting in a library or at a computer doing research. Legal research may not be sexy or dramatic, but it wins cases. Our office recently won an appeal in federal court on behalf of a person…

How To Win A Social Security Federal Court Appeal

Fewer than a quarter of the people seeking Social Security disability benefits receive approval on their initial application. The rest of them get a letter explaining the reason their application was denied and informing them of their right to appeal. If a disability prevents you from working, giving up without a fight should not be an option. Instead of giving…